This course covers liability, negligence, and risk management practices for athletic administrators.
This course is designed to inform athletic administrators how to more effectively organize and manage their time, apply time management principles, be more productive and have balance to life.
This course provides insights and strategies for the leadership of developmentally sound educationally compatible Junior High/Elementary school athletic programs.
Participants will come away with ideas and resources for designing and developing a simulation or role play in their own classes.
The goal is to lead the audience through the process of implementing CEESA's ideas into a new cultural and educational environment and the immediate results it has brought.
This introductory session is based on the groundbreaking work of “The Arbinger Institute”, the authors of the international bestseller “Leadership and Self-Deception”. The session will demonstrate how working with an "Outward Mindset" can transform schools and dramatically improve results.
Empathy is the foundation for effective schools, collaborative teams and personalized learning in every classroom. This workshop will highlight the attributes of cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and how to expand your skills in both arenas.
This workshop is for AD/AC’s, Robotic coaches, and those who are interested in getting started in Robotics either at the MS or HS level. The workshop will outline the necessary steps to get started in Robotics, keep your school involved, and host events.
The new rules and procedures, and judging will be discussed.
In this session, CEESA female directors will help with tips and modeling of answers to guide women towards greater confidence in the interview process.
This workshop will discuss how constructivist education theory drives intrinsic motivation and enables your students to exceed your expectations.
his workshop will explore the differences between collaboration, cooperation and collegiality and help participants develop an understanding of the ways in which their schools can increase collaborative capacity to support student learning.
This workshop will discuss the issue of concussions in athletics, and how schools can design protocols and procedures to protect all those involved.
This interactive workshop engage teachers in several activities to explore culturally relevant pedagogy including taking a piece of curriculum and enhancing it using a rubric.
This session will be science focussed, however there will be activities and opportunities for all subject areas to develop their curriculum skeleton.
The objective of this workshop is to encourage learners to read and think critically about writers work and learn how to record and use small moments from their own lives and build them into their writing.
This hands-on, interactive workshops give participants the opportunity to explore authentic student-led inquiry units.
As Howard Zinn (2002) reminds us, “You can’t be neutral on a moving train.”
General topics will be discussed in relation to the preparation of your taxes for 2015.
The goal of this session is to share the working model of the IS Helsinki's Event Crew, which objective is to allow students take an active role with planning and running various CEESA and other international events.
Join Michael Furdyk, Jennifer Corriero, and CEESA educators from across the region as they share their learning journey from this year's CEESA Education for Social Innovation course.
Participants will have fun learning how to shift from irritation, embarrassment, and frustration to compassion and creativity.
This non-instructional session will focus on proctoring, system preferences, managing test sessions, and other frequently asked questions.
Participants will be given tools to teach a growth mindset, and learn how to give feedback so students thrive.
This workshop will focus on the athletic administrator's role in the hosting of athletic events.
This session will focus on how teachers’ understandings, beliefs, and perceptions of international mindedness impact their structure of personalized learning environments.
A 'Smiling Mind,' increases productivity and engagement allowing learners to be fully aware of their learning and enables them to direct their own learning through focused interactions.
This workshop is for those that want to use more manipulatives and technological devices in their classroom but are worried about how their students will react to them.
This introductory workshop will provide an overview of the skills necessary in developing and facilitating efficacious, thoughtful collaborative groups.
In this session, we will explore a variety of authentic materials and discuss ways in which they can be incorporated into your language teaching. References and resources will be provided.
This workshop will share the story of SDLT at IICS in an attempt to help other interested schools introduce such an approach as smoothly as possible.
This workshop will detail a year-long curriculum that can be implemented immediately for elementary students.
The workshop focuses on the theory and research related to mindfulness practice and mindfulness-based stress reduction, areas of keen scientific investigation over the past 30 years, with over 300 well-accepted studies, specific practices known to improve brain function (most especially focus and concentration), mood, health and overall wellbeing and the introduction of mindfulness theory, research and practice to school leaders, colleagues, and students.
This workshop discusses the different facets of Modular Learning.
This workshop will explore motivating factors for today’s youth and how to utilize those factors to maximize your students’ potential.
This workshop addresses the following questions: Of the many variables affect student learning -- among which are factors related to stress-hardiness, social and emotional wellbeing, ability to focus and attend, and the ability to bounce back from setbacks of all kinds -- which specific "protective factors" (as determined by behavioral research) can have the biggest positive impact on learning? How can classroom teachers and school leaders assess for the presence (or absence) of critical protective factors affecting student wellbeing and academic success and, most importantly, ensure their active presence in the school environment?
Personalized Learning is not an off-the-shelf product or a plug-and-play program.
In this workshop, participants will be shown how to structure their classroom so that differentiation and individualized learning become the norm of daily reading instruction.
The exploration of frameworks for classroom practice.
Sharing documentation with children also serves an an opportunity for children to learn about learning pathway and process and to give feedback on the learning process.
This session will highlight the research behind children's theory building and show the different ways in which these theories are revealed, documented and used towards curriculum design.
During this session, examples from practice will be shared to show how children can be independent in play, make their choices, pretend, express ideas and persevere.
This workshop will demonstrate the benefits of project-based learning and the positive effects to the overall development of a student.
Eilsa and Dawn's experiences will energize Grade 5-9 teachers to build a strong and supportive reading and writing classroom that kids love!
This workshop highlights practical strategies to personalize learning through real-time, formative assessment strategies and feedback.
This workshop is for those who are looking to put a new twist, or to put more energy into their Athletics and Activity program.
This workshop is for AD/AC’s, coaches, and school administrators and will help you understand and implement Social Media strategies to enhance your Athletic and Activity Program.
“Be kind whenever possible and it is always possible.” (Dalai Lama)
The purpose of this interactive workshop is to illustrate the ways in which a teacher inquiry process supports in-service classroom teachers to personalize learning by incorporating empowering learning experiences into their P-12 classrooms.
The presentation focuses on neuroscience discoveries on the adolescent brain over the past 10-15 years, with emphasis on assisting classroom teachers to better understand the specific changes and how this knowledge will improve their teaching of adolescents and modeling of a lesson plan that focuses on teaching preteens and teens several ways.
What do you point to when asked, “That’s a great Mission . . . how’s that going?”
This workshop aims to enable the teacher to observe, assess and record children's involvement in their learning.
This workshop aims to present a model for using individual teacher inquiry as professional development as a vehicle for change and school improvement, which schools can adapt for their own contexts.
In this session, we will be asking how our schools move from awareness of cultural complexity to practical action.
This presentation will explore the unique Teacher Advisor role, as well as illustrate how a teacher’s role needs to adjust to the new demands of a personalized learning environment.
John and Eric will offer their experience with a highly successful SDL model to explore some of these exciting possibilities.