What’s happening in the world with the international school market?
Bridget McNamer serves as the Co-Chair of the task force's Staff Recruitment Committee, which has developed and piloted recommendations for improved, child-protective staff recruitment.
How can a system support and facilitate the architecture of learning personalized?
A reading workshop fosters classroom community as students read, share and discuss books with natural communication.
Join us and learn about "Head Problems," an effective and highly interactive method for beginning a math class.
EdChange Global and EdChange Global Classrooms are amazing online learning opportunities for teachers and students all over the world. Learn from a founder of EdChange Global about these two amazing 24-hour ALL ONLINE learning experiences.
This session is designed for domain super admins.
Do you have questions about using G Suite for Education (formerly Google Apps)?
Through case study videos, participants in this presentation will learn how to access a consortium of experts in their classrooms and schools in order to deepen their understanding, identify specific skills and deficits in their students, and create effective interventions for their students.
This presentation explores teaching with a blended learning methodology: the different methods of implementation, improving teacher workflow efficiency, and promoting student differentiation.
This presentation explores teaching with a blended learning methodology: the different methods of implementation, improving teacher workflow efficiency, and promoting student differentiation.
When student writing is directed at a broader audience, the quality of their work and authenticity of their engagement skyrockets. Their writing connects them to the wider school community, other students publishing their own work, and an audience of millions online.
The presentation will provide opportunities for participants to develop an understanding of the accreditation process and how it can be linked to strategic planning and a cycle of school improvement.
This presentation proposes strategies and tools to nurture, develop and sustain student learning communities that embody international mindedness.
Current global events, movies, travel articles, and music provides teachers a unique way to bring the world into the classroom. Students can develop a connection between themselves and the world beyond where they live.