Magical Produce

How a parent volunteer helped bring our school garden to life
Whenever I welcome a new group of students to our school garden I
always ask them, “What does a plant need to grow?”


Saturday Eco-Gardening Action Day at VIS

This school year, VIS has introduced an exciting new initiative called “Parents as Gardeners.” Aiming to support biodiversity, the VIS Green Team has invited parents to join their children in a collaborative gardening effort on selected Saturdays. This opportunity is available for families with children from the Early Learning Center (ELC) to Grade 5.


Mental Health Awareness Month at VIS

Throughout May, Vienna International School (VIS) has been actively recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month, with a focus on utilising ACES—four simple strategies designed to help balance mental health.


Earth Day Theme: Planet vs. Plastic!

On Monday, April 22, Vienna International School (VIS) joined global efforts to raise awareness on Earth Day, celebrating the hope for a sustainable future on our beautiful planet Earth. This year, our focus was on the critical issue of plastic waste, and we implemented actions around the school to enhance our recycling efforts.