Child Protection

CEESA Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement

CEESA Safeguarding and Child Protection

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection is a priority for every CEESA school.

  • CEESA commits to supporting school environments that safeguard children through both prevention and intervention.

  • CEESA works in cooperation with international agencies to ensure standards associated with best practices are regularly reviewed, revised, and applied in all operations, activities, and events.

  • CEESA leaders honor and uphold child protection guidelines and procedures, in partnership with all stakeholders in their respective school communities.

All CEESA schools will:

  • Actively uphold the CEESA Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement.

  • Implement school based Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and procedures that includes regular onsite training.

  • Employ safe recruitment practices consistent with Safeguarding and Child Protection policies.

  • Educate students and adults on Safeguarding and Child Protection.
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