Monday, 02 February 2015 13:02

Bursting the Bubble: Building and Growing Local Community Partnerships to Develop Global Citizenship by Brandon Block, K12 Service Learning Director and Lillian Petersen and Payson Bullard, both teachers at the American School in London

Participants will learn about ASL’s model for developing global perspective through whole-school engagement with local community partners.

This model engages students, faculty and families in rich relationships with community partners, which are reflected in and beyond the curriculum. Providing students with the opportunity to practice citizenship, working with socially diverse groups at the local level allows them to develop foundational skills and dispositions for global citizenship. This gives students the opportunity to work in a concrete way on topics that can otherwise be abstract and inaccessible. In response to these rich partnerships, students develop global awareness and a propensity for action. 

This presentation will include a discussion of ASL’s service learning curriculum, K-12 after-school programs, school-wide community service day, and how to plan and facilitate a partnership summit to forge and strengthen connections with local partners. 

Additional Info

  • Room: 1