Collaboration with the CEESA Service Learning colleagues to create a practical plan to implement your Service Learning dreams at your school.
This one hour workshop will invite participants to engage in a number of inclusion activities while you explore the need for and effectiveness of these strategies in creating an atmosphere of safe, collaborative and successful group work.
Drawing upon a comprehensive body of current research, this workshop explores the unique educational needs of multicultural, transitory International School students.
An interactive session presenting national trends in educational leadership from principals in the United States who also serve on the Board of Directors for the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).
This is a presentation on Pearson as a company and some of its leading US, IB & UK resources. It's goal is to raise Pearson's profile amongst schools in CEESA and to explain Pearson's focus upon efficacy.
This session is designed for all educators who are interested in lifting student learning. It introduces the four types of data that schools use for improvement with specific focus on both perception and achievement data.
This workshop will demonstrate activities and projects initiated in elementary, middle and high school level world language classes of an international school.
Workshop participants will explore current research on Mindfulness in the classroom, and actively learn practical exercises through gentle stretching, meditation, and breathing.
James and Melanie will establish the groundwork for global culturalism.
The complexities of a globalized world mean that it is more important than ever to make international issues a part of K-12 education.
Erin and Peggy would like to share how to create a parent support group for parents of exceptional learners at any school.
A real education does not educate a child for today, but prepares a child to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
This workshop will explore how inclusive education has a place within global citizenship.
Participants will learn about ASL’s model for developing global perspective through whole-school engagement with local community partners.