Tuesday, 27 December 2016 09:39

What in the World is AR and VR? by Debra Reymundo Atchison

If you’ve heard the terms AR and VR but don’t really know what they mean or how they can enrich the learning experiences of your students, then this session is for you.

AR and VR makes a teacher's or student's community smaller by bringing those communities to them in their classrooms. The world is opened up for classrooms through the use of AR and VR. Students who participate in digital learning simulations in science, technology, engineering and math had a 23% higher achievement rate than those who do not.

Come see how augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will engage your students in a whole new way. AR and VR opens up the world to your students without ever leaving your classroom. Come see a story come to life, feel a heartbeat in your hands, take a tour through the inside of the human body, read text in any language...and oh so much more!

Debra Reymundo Atchison

debra reymundo atchinson

Debra Reymundo Atchison has been in the educational technology field for 25+ years.

She earned her Master’s degree online in Educational Technology from Pepperdine University in 1999. Since this time, she has taken her technology training skills out of the public schools and into the rest of the world. She has worked as an international trainer, training in countries such as Tanzania, Africa, Ukraine, Croatia, Turkey, and Austria.She has led large school districts to numerous successes in technology through her school, district and state technology leadership positions.

Debra has taught technology applications on a college level and has even been the personal home-school teacher for comedian Eddie Murphy’s own children. Mrs. Atchison has vast experience in online learning as well. She has written, designed and even taught online courses for continued learning credit and collegiate environments.

Debra’s enthusiastic, patient and interactive approach to professional development leaves educators not only with new skills, but also motivation, excitement, and passion for implementing technology best practices into their curriculum as soon as they return to their classroom. Debra is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and Google Apps Certified Administrator. She is also the co-founder of EdCamp Global and EdCamp Global Classrooms. Both are 24-hour online learning experiences for teachers and students around the world with over 2,200 classrooms from 60 countries participating.