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  • Workshops
  • Identifying with Remida: Co-Constructing Social Identities through Reuse Materials by Will Parnell
Tuesday, 27 December 2016 09:34

Identifying with Remida: Co-Constructing Social Identities through Reuse Materials by Will Parnell

Learn to co-construct social identities in a Reggio Emilia, Remida-inspired way. Identifying with repurposed/reuse materials as a community practice develops a sustainable attitude and disposition toward school transformation.

In order to explore how social identity and Remida are connected, participants will look at documentation of studio project about faces of our community and the use of re-purposed and natural materials to co-construct social and ecological identities with children in an atelier and workshop.

Then, participants will work in pairs to make an im/permanent representation of each other from a wide display of reuse materials. Our inquiry will be guided by the enduring question: How can we connect ourselves with reuse materials and see each other through reuse materials? Following the provocation, we will engage in a reflective dialogue process to intentionally emerge our learning together.

Dr. Will Parnell

will parnell

Will Parnell, EdD, is a professor in education, Department Chair of Curriculum and Instruction, and pedagogical liaison to the Helen Gordon Child Development Center at Portland State University.

He is also principal investigator of the federal CCAMPIS grant. His specialty areas are environments and designs for learning and teaching, equity and culture in early education, documenting young children's learning, and facilitating narratives.

Dr. Parnell currently serves on the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Education's board as Vice President, is the Chair of the Critical Perspectives SIG of AERA, is a board member for A Renaissance school of Arts and Sciences, is on the Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education program committee and he is president of the Inventing Remida Portland Project.