Wednesday, 16 November 2016 09:01

Sustainable Innovation: Big Questions: #3: Community by Ian Stuart

How do you build and sustain a community of learners?

This isn’t a talk. This is a WORKshop, where we’ll prototype a digital artefact that helps inform the whole CEESA community.

Ian Stuart

ian stuart

You could say that sustainable innovation is in Ian’s DNA.

Back in 2005, as Principal Technology Teacher at Islay High School, he equipped every single one of his students with tablets... with an astonishing impact on their learning outcomes. His was one of the first schools in the world to take this approach, which is now standard practice in many schools globally, thanks to Ian’s pioneering influence.

“Harnessing technology to engage learning has always seemed to me to be both a logical and productive approach. After the success of the tablets in Islay, and the work I did with some big players like Samsung and Panasonic to make that happen, I was approached by the Scottish Government in 2013 to rescue Glow. Piloted as the national digital learning platform in Scotland in 2008, it was underused and losing profile. Over 18 months I worked with my team to rethink and revitalize the concept and today it’s the most used educational platform in the country; teachers and students can do things they’ve never been able to before, in and out of the classroom.

"I actually started out in engineering before I came into teaching and my own companies were among the first British firms to trade in the former Eastern Bloc countries. Joining NoTosh gives me the opportunity to draw on my experiences in engineering, teaching, technology and leadership to help schools and industries think differently and achieve more.”