AISZ Community Celebrates Croatia Day
On Monday, May 13, the whole AISZ community from students, staff, parents and special guests honored an important historic moment in Croatia's history, the joining of the European Union on July 1st, 2013.
Prague's newsletter
Basketballs and Laptops-- AISV Hosts CEESA 2013 HS Boys Basketball Tournament & Scores Points with Live Digital Coverage
Throughout three days of the 2013 CEESA HS Boys Basketball Tournament AISV's two live digital streaming channels reached over 1100 views.
"Living" the mission at the Anglo-American School-Moscow
One of the most powerful phrases in the mission statement of the Anglo-American School of Moscow (AAS) is that we empower students to 'contribute as globally aware citizens.'
Spring Events at A.S.W.
At the CEESA Conference held in Prague, this March, ASW was presented with two TIECARE International Community Service Awards.
Magic in the School Auditorium
There is something enchanting in the very act of putting on a costume and pretending to be somebody else. The awareness that one is more than his ordinary self, that one has the freedom to be a different creature or person, to live in a different place or exist in a different time is the greatest virtue that makes drama not just art or entertainment, but rather a wondrous border between what is real and what is magical.