Friday, 20 January 2017 10:18

Tricia Quinn

tricia quinn

Tricia Quinn is currently working at the Anglo-American School of Sofia as a Secondary Instructional Coach, IB Literature teacher, and sixth grade transition teacher.

Tricia has taught grades kindergarten through twelfth  grade and has worked as an Elementary and Secondary Literacy and Instructional Coach. Tricia earned her Master’s in Teaching from the University of Washington and her National Board Certification in Early Adolescent Literacy. Tricia started her teaching career at Bonn International School. After returning to the United States with her husband in 2002, she and her family moved back into International Teaching in 2014. She has since been at AAS Sofia. 

Tricia believes that some of the most impactful and cost effective professional learning takes place when the pedagogical expertise within a school is harnessed and shared. However, the always elusive “time” is the biggest hurdle in doing so in an authentic way that actually translates to improved student learning. As scheduling drives teacher availability and collaboration time, a creative approach is needed to share the amazing pedagogy that is already happening in many classrooms. Through her experience as an instructional coach in both elementary and secondary, and large and small schools, Tricia has unique insight into creative cognitive coaching.