CEESA Counselor Retreat

The CEESA Counselor Retreat will be happening in Sofia, Bulgaria during April.

David Stephenson and I are responsible for the planning of this event. Some of you have already received the following link and filled out the survey to help with deciding the dates, topics and formats of sessions.

Click here to take survey

If you have not already received this, please copy & paste the link, and fill out the questionnaire as soon as possible so we can set our dates and advertise it to the Directors and ADs to avoid any conflicts in scheduling events.

For more information about the retreat and where it will take place, take a look at the attached flier.

We hope to finalize the dates in the next couple weeks, and the rest of the program in the next couple months, at which time we will share it with you.

Thanks for your ideas and input!

Warm regards from Sofia!

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