Drama Show "Wizard of Oz"
Kyiv International School
A huge round of applause to everyone involved in the amazing Drama Show “Wizard of Oz” production that took place at Kyiv International School this past week! Our talented students, along with our dedicated teachers and staff brought this beloved story to life with passion and creativity.
The Grand Opening and Grand Finale were unforgettable, with a full auditorium cheering our performers on. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported “WOZ.” Your presence made each show even more magical.
As we reflect on the success of this production, let’s cherish the memories and look forward to more exciting performances at KIS.
The power of storytelling is truly incredible!
#QSIKyiv #KyivInternationalSchool #KIS #KISDrama #kozaktors #WOZProduction #WizardofOZ