MYP Arts showcase

MYP Arts team at ISP
Our incredible Arts and Design departments came together to create an extraordinary one night only event where we were able to showcase the talented students here at the International School of Prague.
The Arts Department; including Visual Art, Drama, Music, Film and the Design Department decided to showcase Criteria C for the arts in MYP. We wanted the community to be able to see the extraordinary work that our students do inside the classroom throughout the year with the added value of having the students feel what a production, a concert, or an exhibition is like.
The set up for the evening was focused on choice and versatility of what the arts give to the community. A viewer had three twenty minute sessions to choose from, Vocal Choir, Film, Electronic Music, Drama, listening stations, viewing artworks or the lamps from design to wander through. The rooms, theatre and hallways were bursting at the seams as we showcased over 300+ students’ works ranging from 6th grade all the way to 12th grade.