Wednesday, 18 February 2015 11:38

The Changing of a Tree and So Much More: A Journey of Collaboration, Integration, and Inquiry, by Stacey Socholotuk, Teacher-Librarian and Emily Hays, Teacher at the American International Schoolf of Bucharest

Do you want to actively experience what it is like to inquire, engage in research, and authentically collaborate with students and colleagues through an integrated approach? Starting in October 2014, our school's classes of four year olds began a year-long unit related to change. In order to formally introduce students to research skills, inspire their natural curiosity, involve their senses, and delve into the role of scientist, the Teacher-Librarian, classroom teachers, PYP Coordinator, Literacy Coach, and IT Teachers facilitated an inquiry into the year-long changes of a single tree. Supporting students using developmentally appropriate practices was vital and carefully planned. The tools and strategies that will be shared could be used with students in any grade level, even with adults. As a participant, you will be exposed to and be able to discuss practical ways to integrate many disciplines, scaffold language acquisition, reach multiple learners, support EAL students, and engage learners in authentic and meaningful inquiry. 

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  • Room: 1