NIAAA - LTC 701 Athletic Administration / Administration and Application of Middle School Athletic Programs by Sheri Stice / Room Paris

LTC 701 Athletic Administration: Administration and Application of Middle School Athletic Programs

This course provides strategies for the development of middle school athletic programs and concentrates on the role of the middle school coach and coaching principles. Middle level athletics is an essential part of the total educational process and an excellent opportunity for the home, school and community to work together in order to provide a positive educational experience for middle level children. Required for MSRAA.

NIAAA – LTC 721 Athletic Administration: Positive Sporting Behavior-For the Love of the Game by Ron Belinko / Room Madrid

LTC 721 Athletic Administrations: Positive Sporting Behavior-For the Love of the Game

In this course students will learn to implement appropriate strategies and techniques, designed to create a positive, productive learning environment, which will support a system that encourages character and self-discipline and sportsmanship. This class will provide opportunities for self assessment and reflection in regards to prior performance. In addition students will participate in class discussions, and activities which will increase their knowledge and skills of the effective components of successful character, citizenship and sportsmanship to share with their students, coaches, parents and communities.
